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We supply a wide variety of quartz clock movements ranging from miniature to high-torque for very large hands and will replace or convert your clock to run from a quartz movement.

Most mechanical clocks are worth having their movements repaired to maintain their value, however quartz conversion can be an ideal way to keep the original clock case and avoiding the high costs of rebuilding an old and worn-out mechanical movement.

What are the quartz advantages?

A quartz clock will run more accurately than the original clock.

The conversion is generally cheaper than a full overhaul of a traditional movement.

What are the disadvantages?

Before electing to convert your original clock to a quartz movement, you should consider several factors.  First, a quartz clock will not tick like the original clock.  Most purists like the sound of the clock winding and the movement ticking.  Secondly, if your clock has a seconds hand, a quartz movement can be detectable in the smooth non-stepped motion of the hand.  While this may not seem important to some, it can be a serious consideration if you are striving to restore your clock to original specifications.


Quartz conversions Bristol
Quartz conversions Bristol
Quartz conversions Bristol
Quartz conversions Bristol
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